Harness the Power of Property Intelligence

See why 10,000+ real estate businesses trust BatchLeads for property data, owner information, and lead generation.

Batch Leads

Quick Overview

Search a nationwide database of properties. Create lists based on housing criteria or owner motivation.

Manage your leads with a highly intuitive interface.  Easily sort and filter off of several factors to narrow your list down to the most likely leads first.

Batch leads provides up-to-date comps from public recordings and local MLSs to help you get the most current and accurate comp valuation available.

Use Batch for your driving for dollars.  No need for a second program.  You can also use batch for virtual driving through googles maps to build your lists.

About Batch Leads

Batch Leads is one of the most innovative companies in the industry.  The Batch Leads app can pull your lists, sort them and contact them al on the same platform. Those are just some of the features.  Take a look at some of the features here, read about them, or visit their site for even more detail.

Monthly Plans and Pricing
Personal Basic
$99 per month or $69 per month billed yearly
Personal Plus
$299 per month or $179 per month billed yearly
Team Basic
$599 per month
Team Plus
$899 per month
Other Products and Services


 Personal BasicPersonal PlusTeam BasicTeam Plus
Additional Leads Cost$.01$.01$.01$.01
Skip Tracing$.14$.12$.10$.10
Letter Costs$.78$.75$.74$.72