A little help understanding how to navigate this site will go a long way.
To hopefully aid everyone in the battle of information overload. I have tried to minimize the top-level categories. Keeping the upper-level menu down to just a few essential items. Besides training, there are three main areas that you will want to focus on.
Products and Resources
The resources menu - Under resources, you will find items that will work to benefit your business. Whether you are an investor, contractor, agent, etc you will be able to find tools, books, other websites, and much more that will benefit your business. Use the filter options to help get granular in your searches. Each Product or resource will give you info about the product and further down the products page there will be more info to similar products, as well as reviews, how-tos, comparisons, and more for that product you are interested in.
The articles menu - Articles will be able to be searched in a similar fashion to resources with multiple filter capabilities. This will allow you to be more granular in finding information. Like resources when applicable, the article shows similar articles as well as products if they relate. For example, a how-to build a list article will link to other list articles but also several tools, websites, and other resources related to the article.
The tools menu - Here you will find online tools that you can use right away. Things like Real Estate calculators, spreadsheets, and other documents that can be downloaded.
The guides menu - This is where everything gets put together. We use the guides to tie information together in a way that makes more sense. We organize the guides in an easy-to-navigate way that takes you through an entire concept or topic.